Inglés empresarial

Adquirir las capacidades necesarias para resolver de forma correcta y fluida situaciones propias del ámbito de la empresa en lengua inglesa, desarrollando los procesos de compresión oral y escrita, y expresión oral generados por la actividad empresarial.

Horas de estudio



  • 1 - The Language of Business

    • 1.1 - Using different registers in business relationships: Company - Company; Company - Client; Company - Supplier

      * Function - Greetings
      * Function - Recognising formal / informal register

    • 1.2 Using the appropriate register in different areas of business: Form Companies; Mergers; Temporary Business Unions; Agree deliveries; Payment Methods; Set deadlines

      * Function - using appropriate register in various business situations

    • 1.3 General areas of business / Grammar and vocabulary related to business situations

      * Function - Describing sectors / areas of business and the roles within them

  • 2 - Company structure

    • 2.1 Describing company structure / Specific vocabulary and phrases

      * Function - Describing the structure of a company

    • 2.2 Organisation charts. Articles

      * Grammar - Articles
      * Function - Using organisation charts to describe a company

    • 2.3 Company departments. Present continuous

      * Grammar - Present continuous
      * Function - Describing functions of different departments in a company

    • 2.4 Writing a Personal Statement / Adverbs of time

      * Grammar - Adverbs of time
      * Function - Writing a personal statement. Usephul phrases and vocabulary

  • 3 - Our Company

    • 3.1 Describing your position and workplace. There is / There are

      * Grammar - There is / There are
      * Function - Describing a role / position

    • 3.2 Giving directions / Countable and non-countable nouns / Quantifiers

      * Grammar - Countable and uncountable nouns; Quantifiers
      * Function - Giving directions

    • 3.3 Locating objects / Prepositions of place

      * Grammar - Locating objects
      * Function - Prepositions of place

    • 3.4 Describing itineraries / Structures with "How"

      * Grammar - How many / How much
      * Function - Describing itineraries

    • 3.5 Explaining timetables and schedules / Present continuous for future plans

      * Grammar - Present continuous for future plans
      * Function: Explaining timetables and schedules

  • 4 - Telephone communication

    • 4.1 Leaving and receiving voice messages / Related vocabulary

      * Function - Leaving and receiving voice messages

    • 4.2 Organising meetings / Expressing future

      * Grammar - Future tenses
      * Function - Organising meetings

    • 4.3 Making an order

      * Function - Making an order

    • 4.4 Asking for and providing information

      * Function - Requesting and providing information

  • 5 - Written Correspondence

    • 5 - Written Correspondence

      * Function - Written correspondence

  • 6 - Business trips

    • 6.1 Airport, booking, tickets, food, directions

      * Airport, booking, tickets, food, directions

    • 6.2 Grammar - Courtesy, making requests, interrupting, confirming

      * Grammar - Courtesy, making requests, interrupting, confirming

    • 6.3 Vocabulary - Polite words and phrases, food, ordinal numbers, asking for information and confirmation

      * Polite words and phrases, food, ordinal numbers, asking for information and confirmation

  • 7 - Frequent errors and false friends

    • 7 - False friends and misunderstandings

      * General revision of words and structures that are easily confused
      * False cognates / friends

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